Join Thom on a Vedic Meditation retreat in Sedona, Australia, and India.
Enjoy profound meditations, deep rest, and the camaraderie of meditators on a Vedic Meditation retreat with Thom. You’ll return to your daily activities with expanded awareness and increased joyfulness and bliss.
Our meditation retreats allow your entire system to reboot, leaving you energized and more confident than ever before.

May 22-26, 2025
Give yourself the gift of retreat and join us for an unforgettable five days in Sedona with Thom.
In addition to enjoying “industrial-strength meditation” through a personalized Rounding program, daily talks with Thom will allow you to gain greater depths of Vedic knowledge and its practical application in everyday life. Meditators will return to their lives with clarity of thinking, expanded happiness, and greater purpose. Feelings of fatigue, anxiety, nervousness, or other imbalances may also greatly improve after our Vedic Meditation retreats.
June 25-29, 2025
Thom invites you to a rare opportunity to retreat with him in Australia.
Give yourself the gift of a meditation retreat in Gerringong. Enjoy deep meditations, inspiring lectures, and elevate your state of consciousness.
You’ll emerge refreshed with courage, invincibility, and staying power to effectively meet the need of the time. You’ll bring about greater happiness for yourself and all surrounding you.

Vyasa Vedanta: A Course in Unity Consciousness
July 31-August 3, 2025
In this course, Thom will bring students to the real core of what could be a lifetime of learning and get to the core principles of Vyasa’s teaching about the value of Unity Consciousness
Vedanta is the most beautiful and highest product of Vedic knowledge ever brought to light. It is, in fact, the pinnacle of the Supreme Knowledge that was given to Thom by his master, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he is committed to sharing it with the world of meditators.
A Life-Changing Meditation Retreat in Rishikesh, India With Thom Knoles
January 2026
Thom Knoles invites you to join him for a once-in-a-lifetime immersion in Vedic culture and tradition.
Join Thom in the foothills of the Himalayas, on the banks of the Ganges River, and throughout historical and sacred sites in northern India.
With deep meditation, knowledge sessions, meeting great masters of the Vedic lineage, and a rich community, this experience will define the rest of your year and beyond.

“I love retreating with Thom because it gives me the space to rest and restore, dial into my inner compass and gain clarity about my life.”