On-Demand Courses for Vedic meditators
Explore Vedic teachings with Thom’s guidance.
No matter where you are on your journey, you can find your next steps for expansion in Thom’s courses.
Exploring The Bhagavad Gita, Part 1
Explore the entire breadth of Vedic teachings in the form of an epic story. Engrossed in the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, you’ll find paradigm-shifts and practical advice to discern your path and take action.
Discover the story that has guided millions over the ages and gain timeless wisdom in Thom’s newest course.

Awakening Abundance
The nature of reality is abundance… but how do we access it?
Learn how to make total abundance your living reality through the fresh mindset Thom proposes in this course for Vedic Meditators.
See how to flow with ease through life, receiving and creating all the resources you could ever need.
The aRT of following charm
Tired of wondering whether your decisions are taking you where you are meant to go?
In this 4-part course, Thom explores the nature of charm, how to recognize and cultivate it, and how every decision can become a matter of effortless attraction.
Refine your inner listening and learn to test your hunches to bring far more magic and clarity to life than ever before.

Enlightened Parenting
Whether parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, or members of a community, we are all a part of rearing the next generation. In this 1-day course, Thom shows the Vedic perspective on parenting in a sustainable way to benefit the child and the parent.
Discern ways to observe how you were parented, learn how to reparent yourself, and gain a new perspective on how to treat children that will empower those relationships and provide sustained support for the child.
Enlightened habits
Forget everything you’ve heard about building habits. It’s time to learn how to consciously design a life you love.
Thom will teach you the Vedic approach to creating long-lasting, positive habits that compound happiness and naturally transform your experience of life.