for Vedic meditators
Advanced Meditation Techniques
Ready to bring your deepest meditative state into waking life?
Once you’ve experienced the sublime states of meditation – bliss, oneness, and connection with pure consciousness – it’s time for an advanced meditation technique. Think of the technique, and advanced meditation practices in general, as an acceleration tool toward expanded states of awareness and for integrating bliss in your everyday life. Whether you need help with advanced breathing techniques for meditation or need to add something else to your practice, Thom’s advanced meditation program is perfect for you.
bring the bliss of meditation into your everyday life
Accelerate this process by learning an Advanced Technique for meditation with Thom.
Watch this video as Thom shares the mechanics of the Advanced Technique and how it can help you level-up your practice and experience even more joy, ease, and higher states of consciousness.

The Advanced Technique is customized by Thom for each meditator based on their needs and state of consciousness.
1—Meditate regularly for one year
After one year of practicing Vedic Meditation, you are eligible to receive an advanced technique.
2—Attend In-Person Course
Attend the first day of a Learn to Meditate course and receive an Advanced Technique from Thom.
Thom will host an Advanced Techniques training in New York City on Monday, October 21, 2024.
3—Follow-Up with
Return to one additional day of the course to receive coaching on the use of your technique.
Group Initiation: USD 900
Group initiations take place on retreat and during a Learn to Meditate course.
Private Initiation: USD 1,600 (90-min)
Private advanced meditation technique training and advanced meditation course can be arranged on retreat or during one of Thom’s teaching tours.