A Journey in India Retreat with Thom Knoles
Join Thom for an unforgettable immersive retreat. After three years away from beloved India, Thom invites you to join him for a once-in-a-lifetime immersion in Vedic culture and tradition. REGISTER
Join Thom for an unforgettable immersive retreat. After three years away from beloved India, Thom invites you to join him for a once-in-a-lifetime immersion in Vedic culture and tradition. REGISTER
Our annual Advanced Training and Refresher for all qualified Initiators of Vedic Meditation. Meet with Thom and your worldwide community of colleagues to refresh, expand, and step into your next level of teaching. For more information on prerequisites and program details, email info@thomknoles.com.
Become a Vedic Meditation Teacher and Bring Vedic Meditation to the World. Experience the Gold Standard of Vedic Meditation Initiator Training in our transformational 12-week residential program. LEARN MORE
Free Video Masterclass
On Love & Relationships
Learn the true nature of love and how to create partnerships that last.
Free Video Masterclass
On Love & Relationships
Learn the true nature of love and how to create partnerships that last.
Join our global community and immerse in support and Vedic teachings from Thom Knoles.