san Francisco Vedic meditation tour
2023 (Dates TBD)
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn live and in person from a living master of the Vedic tradition.
learn from a master • establish a daily practice • EXPERIENCE GREATER HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT
Introductory Talk
Join Thom for a free, no-obligation Introductory Talk on the benefits of Vedic Meditation, and learn how you can begin a stress-relieving meditation practice of your own.
Virtual session
Dates and times TBD
Zoom details are provided upon RSVP
san francisco
Dates and times TBD
Zoom details are provided upon RSVP
Dates and times TBD
Zoom details are provided upon RSVP
Learn To Meditate
In this four-session course, you’ll learn Vedic Meditation and begin enjoying deep rest in the mind and body from the first day of class. At the end of the training, you’ll come away with an effortless meditation technique that you’ll be able to practice enjoyably and successfully on your own – for life.
Vedic Meditation Course Schedule
Session #1: Date TBD
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Session #2: Date TBD
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Session #3: Date TBD
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Session #4: Date TBD
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Participants must attend all four sessions of the course. Attending an Introductory Talk is a prerequisite to attending a Vedic Meditation Course with Thom.
Location: TBD
“I feel grounded and more resilient when, and am a happier person overall. I’ll always remember learning meditation with Thom as one my life’s biggest moments.”
Michael k.
Learn the benefits of Vedic Meditation, how the technique is practiced, and what you can expect from learning to meditate with Thom in his signature 4-Day Learn to Meditate Course.
Explore The Vedic Worldview with thom
Thom teaches from the Vedic Worldview, based on Veda,
the umbrella body of knowledge from which yoga and Ayurveda originate.
Distinct from Buddhism, Hinduism, and Mindfulness techniques, Vedic Meditation is effortless, easy, and works with every lifestyle and worldview. Learn from Thom as he presents fresh perspectives on his San Francisco Teaching Tour.